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Our Mission

IIHE aims at providing education in this competitive environment to its candidates, so as they can work towards attaining and achieving higher career growth.

IIHE is rooted in the core values of independence, inclusivity, and innovation. IIHE preparing students to contribute effectively toward a peaceful, prosperous, just, and equitable educational world. Our education expertise on matters relating to Technical Education. It is high tech and , high performance and high integrity to the students, who are busy in their regular lives.

Points to be noted:

  • Indian Institute of Higher Education , is an Independent, Unaided, Self - Financed Legal Educational Institute, right to impart Education & Conducts their own Examinations,Registered as 885/2012 by Govt. of A.P.

  • Programme Certificates & Marks Statements will be awarded to the successful candidates by the Institutes only and the same, does not comes under purview of UGC or other Acts and they neither depict not declare equivalent to the Degrees / Certificates awarded by any Government Universities / Boards.

  • The Institute does not offer any programme from the Government Boards / Universities, hence the Statutory Laws are not applicable to the Institution.

  • For all the disputes & grivences correspondence shall be made to the Administration Incharge only. No other person(s) of the Institutes are liable for the same.

  • All the legal maters are subject to Hyderabad Jurisdiction only.

Administration In Change

Bonafide Certificate
Examination Time Table
Examination Results
Examination Hall Ticket
Enrollment Form
Declaration Form
Examination Application