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Method Of Education

The Education of IIHE is fully based on par with the Universities recognized by UGC and Govt. of India Examinations. Learning material are specially prepared by the team of Experts from different universities, Institutions. All the self instructing Material is converted into Printed Form & in CDs.

IIHE adopts multimedia educational system providing printed Course material for self study and encouraging facility for practical and personal contact programmes and to evaluate lessons by faculty experts.

Tips for Study:

  • Don't procrastinate : look through your study materials as soon as you get them and plan.

  • Get Started. Today. Now : Reading through the study guide, or re-visiting the assignment topic will be getting you somewhere. If you have any questions, contact the support staff at IIHE to get some tips or guidance.

  • Get organised : Improve your time management skills and get yourself organised. This sometimes means changing the way you have done things in the past or how you go about the task.

  • Keep your tasks bite-sized : It is amazing how much you can achieve if you set aside one hour of time somewhere in each day. All those little bites make a meal out of study.

  • For larger tasks : like assignments and set aside blocks of quality time without interruptions - perhaps at a library or even on campus.

  • Help yourself 'get in the zone : by creating a study atmosphere. Have a special place to study with all you need on hand, put on some quiet music or use aromatherapy to get yourself focused.

Bonafide Certificate
Examination Time Table
Examination Results
Examination Hall Ticket
Enrollment Form
Declaration Form
Examination Application